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Lancashire Wellbeing Service

The Lancashire Wellbeing Service offers free short-term, practical support for Lancashire residents who may be struggling with issues affecting their happiness and health. These may include mild mental health problems such as low mood, anxiety, stress and mild depression or concerns over their finances, health and fitness, mobility and transport, relationships and family, employment and housing. It may simply mean they feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.

Over a number of sessions one of the service’s wellbeing workers will support the individual and encourage them to set realistic, achievable goals and take steps needed to improve their quality of life. Wendy is one of the service’s Wellbeing Workers and she explains more about her role …

“Essentially we help people to stay well and maintain their independence. Every day is different but each day my aim to support individuals to lead healthier lives and build personal resilience to cope with lives challenges remains the same. I have met some truly inspiring people and feel humbled to be a part of their life for a short time as their wellbeing worker, I take great delight in supporting individuals to value themselves and recognise that they have capacity to change, I trust that a person is their own expert they just need a little encouragement to believe in themselves.

A typical day starts with face to face appointments, some people I will meet for the first time and others are follow up appointments. I meet people in community venues, like a café or the library. For those who require a little more privacy I arrange to meet in a meeting room within the Chorley Council Offices. For those who are housebound I arrange to meet within their homes. I conduct an initial assessment when meeting a person for the first time which enables me to gather information about how the person manages various areas of their lives. During this appointment we have an opportunity to identify the person’s main health and wellbeing goals and from there I work with the person to achieve their set goal for example people have set goals like ...

•I would like to start exercise

•I want to manage my finances better

•I want to make new friends

•I want to reduce how much alcohol I drink

An action plan is agreed, so for the person that would like to start exercising I would ask how much support they required achieve their goal, some may say very little and others may require more support in terms of finding the right exercise class or they if they lacked confidence to take the first steps I would accompany them to a class.

I can work with people over a number of sessions, my aim for the person who required to start exercise is that they are able access the activity of their choice and feel confident to attend independently which will ultimately increase their physical and emotional wellbeing.”

For further information about the work of the Lancashire Wellbeing Service or to make a referral please contact 03450 138208 or e-mail or see the website

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