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Not Your Typical Friday

Handsome Well Being Worker in Lancaster, Richard Hindle, recounts his experiences of a special Creative Support drop in...

7TH October 2016

I’m not in the habit of writing blogs after drop in sessions, but the drop in on Friday 7th October was so memorable, it would be rude not to mention it to you web surfing folk.

It started off strong, I knocked the ball out of the park chairing the Service User Meeting. We discussed Galloway’s Brew Me Sunshine, if you like coffee and chats in a friendly environment then give Galloway’s a go; the Creative Support photography group, a fantastic group for budding David Baileys and seasoned snappers alike, call course leader Ruth on 07773215373 if you’re interested; and we finished the meeting discussing Victim’s Voice, they’re recruiting volunteers to join the team.

Like I say, I did a decent job as the chair; engaging, informative and the right side of charismatic without being obnoxious. Although I didn’t receive a standing ovation for my efforts (which I’m totally fine with), I’m sure I came close.

We were then joined by an enthusiastic young lady representing Victim Support. For those who aren’t in the know, Victim Support provide free assistance to victims of crime. Rebecca, the Victim Support representative, informed us:

It doesn’t matter if the crime happened years ago or even if the crime hasn’t been reported, Victim Support are on hand to help.

That’s not an exact quote but comes pretty close. I’m sure you get the point, if something traumatic has happened to you, you’re not alone, there is support for you and that support is the dedicated Victim Support team.

Rebecca then went on to show us some safety gadgets which included a personal alarm and window alarm. After that she answered questions and queries. One of our Creative Support members somewhat cheekily asked if Victim Support supply pepper spray, this was met with a good natured roar of laughter. Definitely a successful afternoon networking between the two organisations.

There was no respite for the Creative Support clan, not even time for a quick tea and nibbles break, because literally seconds after Rebecca had finished her talk the quiz final commenced. And what a whopper the final turned out to be….

Each of the three finalists attacked the questions with a determination befitting of a Trinity College Cambridge Undergraduate you’d see on University Challenge (Paxman would have loved it). Tension hit fever pitch when two of the finalists scored the same amount of points after the mandatory 3 rounds were over. There was only one way to decide our true champion: tie breaker.

The eventual winner wishes to remain anonymous, so below is a picture of the trophy. A special thank you goes to the two beaten finalists. They put in a great effort and made the final what it was, Great job!

Then came the main event: a showcase of work created by Creative Support’s very own Photography Group. I could try to describe the exhibition with flowery language and perhaps even a couple of metaphors, but I don’t think I’d do it justice. Next time you visit Lancaster Library take a mosey upstairs to the Sanctuary and see the exhibition for yourself; as the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding, and if this exhibition were a pudding, well, you’d want to come back for seconds. (Please note the Exhibition finishes in November)

To put the icing on an already rich and delicious Creative Support flavoured cake, we had a blast from the past. Leanne Hough, a past member (always welcome), who has been a busy bee writing prose, came along to plug her booklet, ‘A Touch of Purple’. Leanne, writing as Ivy Shade, puts into words her experience of psychosis. As a work of literature it is poetic and poignant, a creative chronicle punctuated with beautiful drawings and poetry. Well worth a read. Awesome showing, Leanne!

So there you have it, a fantastic afternoon at Lancaster Library: we had a quiz final, a trophy, window alarms (thanks Victim Support) and I forgot to mention, free refreshments! You can join the fun, we meet every Friday at 1.00pm in Lancaster Library’s sanctuary.

If you have any queries whatsoever about the excellent services we provide at Creative Support call or fill in the Contact Us form found at the bottom of our home page.

Hope to see you there.

All the best,

Richard Hindle

(Health and Wellbeing Worker)

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