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A Touch Of Purple

We are most pleased to celebrate and share the brilliant achievement of Leanne Hough.

Congratulations Leanne you have worked so hard and done such an excellent job! We are sure people will benefit from the excellent publication you have made, it is superbly put together with careful attention to detail and very informative - well done you!

A few words from Leanne.......

"Hello my name is Leanne Hough. I am fully recovered from the mental health condition psychosis. Yet i am still recovering from social anxiety and depression. I have used my positive thoughts and research and with the support of others like those at Creative Support I am definetly on the right road to recovery. At Creative Support I attended art sessions on a regular basis and this released my creativity. It took me to a place where anything is possible. I am a happy and outgoing and friendly person and I really love to help people If I can! This Is initially why I wrote and created the booklet called 'A Touch of Purple' which is primary based around the mental health condition of psychosis. I really do Indeed hope that my booklet informs and helps people regarding the condition and raises awareness concerning this horrible mental Illness.

If you would wish to contact me please email me and if you would like a copy of the booklet please enquire via email -

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