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Balmoral Community Allotment Project

We are very pleased to introduce the first visit by our service user led development group to local community projects and organisations that we want to sing and shout about and most importantly feel might be of use or interest to you or someone you know. There are so many vibrant, vital projects out there and we hope to share them on our blog creating an all important community resource. A very big thank you to Jess for making us so welcome and taking the time out to meet with us.

If you would like us to come and visit your project please get in touch via email.

Small Is Beautiful

Small is beautiful are words that are used descriptively, these were the words that sprang to mind when two of us visited Balmoral Road garden project. It was my first visit, and I didn’t know what to expect. What I found was very pleasing, only small but playing its role in the community. Situated behind Balmoral children’s centre, it is comprised of 5 enclosed beds. These contained vegetables in a variety of types, and a bed containing sweet peas in various shades and had a beautiful scent. Other fruit types are situated across the edges of the plot. I had the pleasure of conducting a mini interview with Jess, the lady in charge. A bright cheerful lady who willingly agreed to take part.

The project started in January/February, contact was made with local community allotments to ascertain whether there was a need for another community project. Balmoral children’s centre offered space. The allotment was set up in 2014. The overall aim is provide a green space and promote healthy eating within the local community. Help is from 20 people on a Facebook group. 30 people in total altogether have been involved with garden. They took part in the Westend festival in July 2016. This small project provides a social meeting place for those who are socially isolated. Some of the visitors to the garden come to speak about their lives, through this action confidence is built. This is a much needed project, one that should be protected and promoted. Funding is partially provided by West End Millions, this provides the opportunity to run workshops, and cooking facilities.

Produce from the garden is donated to local schools and nurseries. Black and red currents, plus gooseberries have been donated to Heysham High School and to Sandylands Primary School. Heysham High have been approached to help do the apple picking in the garden.

Sadly as so often happens nowadays, the children’s centre and allotment, are threatened with closure. I understand from talking to Jess that a petition engendered, to fight this action. May I urge people to sign the petition, as too many of these projects which provide vital services to communities are taken away.


Friday 2nd September 10-1pm

Community workshop at the allotment making a wicker sculpture scarecrow for the allotment with a seaside inspired theme

- all ages and abilities welcome!

Get in touch with these lovely folk via facebook here Balmoral Community Allotment.

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